EAA Chapter 1298 Brooksville Florida Featured Stories
  07/16/17 A flight from Brooksville ( KBKV ) to Albert Whitted Airport ( KSPG ) Thanks to Lynn Postel. A nice flight for lunch, this is the first flight in a small aircraft for my wife Marcia Rhodes. This was a new experience for her and she had a great time. Thanks Lynn

Lynn Postel
Karen Postel
Marcia Rhodes
Lynn Postel
Joe Rhodes
Marcia Rhodes
Take off on runway 03 ( KBKV )
A great view of the gulf from about 2200 AGL

Some rain clouds just to the left of our path.
The storm scope was great for avoiding the bad stuff.
On final for runway 18 Albert Whitted Airport
Albert Whitted Airport
Lunch at the Hanger
Marcia and Joe Rhodes ready to depart Albert Whitted Airport.
Heading back to Brooksville Airport.

Aircraft back at the hanger. Thanks Lynn for a great flight.